3rd (Forrest's Old) Cavalry Regiment was organized at Memphis, Tennessee, in October, 1861, as an eight-company
battalion. In January, 1862, it was increased to regimental size. The history of this unit is very complex because
over twenty companies from Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana were attached to it at one time
or another. After the Battle of Shiloh, four companies were transferred to the 4th (Russell's) Alabama Cavalry
Regiment and thereafter it was called 18th or 26th Battalion, Balch's Battalion, and McDonald's Battalion. It
fought at Fort Donelson and Shiloh, and during April, 1862, contained 463 effectives. The unit was attached
to Forrest's, F.C. Armstrong's, and E.W. Rucker's Brigade, and served in the Army of Tennessee and the Department
of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. It confronted the Federals in Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, and
Alabama, and surrendered in May, 1865.

This CDV shows B.A. Powell wearing a 6 or 7 button shell jacket, a western style hat and he has 2 pistols
tucked into his waste belt. #JS1067=$2300.00